POD's core mission
is accelerating
customer impact.
At Powder’s on Demand, our greatest value is empowering
customers to enter and incept high-impact markets through
superior performing products & technical support.
In addition to providing state of the art powders, POD also
augments application development by providing (1) materials
performance data to substantiate business cases and mitigate risk,
(2) technical know-how via supporting cold spray, process control
sheets, (3) support from expert staff to expedite integration, (4)
assistance in the material selection process, and (5) access to a
library of technical resources and network of knowledgeable
organizations & partners.

Customization and rapid development are our specialty. Whether it be developing a new alloy of a powder for a cold spray application or leveraging our capabilities to tune your own materials, we will work with you to meet your requirements.
Powder or Bulk Heat Treatments
Particle Sizing
Direct Powder Process
Cold Spray Services
Testing Services
Powder Bulk Packaging + Fulfillment
In addition to providing powder feedstock materials,
we will also support integration.
Our goal is to minimize the amount of time it takes for customers from the point of powder sale to an active and qualified repair, coating, or additive part. We do this by providing optimized cold spray sheets with the sale of powder and consulting. This allows the customer to focus less on development/ tuning and more on manufacturing the parts that matter.

Powders on Demand is proud to be a part of the Cold Spray Action Team (CSAT) and
Large Scale Additive Action Team (LSAAT).
CSAT & LSAAT are consortiums of AM users and experts in the fields of cold spray, wire arc additive manufacturing, friction stir additive manufacturing and more. We encourage colleagues to join the respective action teams which provides access to a wealth of information through the respective knowledge centers. Click links below for more information.
Dust Hazard Analysis (DHA) and understanding the safety implications of processing fine powders is critical for operations, especially during equipment installation and initial infrastructure build up.
Circumnavigating requirements and codes are challenging and varies by region. With the support of the Army Research Laboratory, a DHA report has been published which provides that many of the cold spray powders processed by POD are not classified as class 4 flammable solids. This type of report can be leveraged to better support the decision-making process for environmental health and safety officers involved with controlling use of cold spray powders to ensure a safe work environment.